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Collocated with International Symposium on Language Sciences (ISLS), the Young Scholar Forum on Language Neuroscience is a platform dedicated to presenting innovative research in the field of language neuroscience, conducted by a team of highly skilled, established, and accomplished young Chinese scientists. This forum, committed to maintaining scientific excellence, serves as a vibrant platform for promoting collaboration and stimulating innovation, advancing the field of language neuroscience.

By attending this prestigious event, you will have the unique opportunity to interact with these exceptional researchers whose innovative studies are deciphering the complexities of the human brain, mind, and language. Their significant contributions are instrumental in transforming the field of language neuroscience, offering deep insights into the complex neural mechanisms involved in language processing and cognition.

We extend our wholehearted invitation to all individuals with a passion for language neuroscience to join our forum. Together, let us embark on an extraordinary journey, pushing the boundaries of knowledge and collectively shaping the future of language neuroscience research.



Click here for registration.

Registration fee: HK$500 per attendee.








About the Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies:

The Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies (CBS) is one of the constituent departments of the Faculty of Humanities, specializing in language sciences with a diverse and comprehensive focus. CBS serves as a thriving hub for cutting-edge, interdisciplinary, and multidisciplinary research across various domains, including Chinese linguistics, corpus and computational linguistics, language and communication disorders, cognitive neuroscience, translation and interpreting, bilingual communication, Chinese language education and testing, and language technology and data analytics. CBS actively incorporates the latest advancements and methodologies in artificial intelligence and big data analysis. The Department houses the PolyU-PekingU Research Centre on Chinese Linguistics, the Speech Therapy Unit, the Research Centre for Language, Cognition, and Neuroscience, and the Centre for Translation Studies. For further details about the Department, please visit