Abstract Submission
Authors are invited to submit an abstract (up to 2 A4-pages) in English via the online abstract submission system by 31 July 2024.
Abstract template can be downloaded here.
Please click here - Abstract submission
With the submission of abstracts, the authors oblige themselves to participate and present their papers at the conference once the submissions are accepted. At least one author of each abstract has to register and pay the registration fee before the deadline to warrant the inclusion of the paper in the conference programme.
Authors are welcomed to submit more than one abstract. However, a maximum of one presentation is allowed per person attending the conference.
List of Topics
(a) Carbonation of solid wastes including recycled concrete wastes, steel slag, red mud, incineration ashes and other alkali wastes, etc.
(b) CO2 activation of fresh and hardening concrete
(c) CO2 activation of waste powders (e.g. steel slag, recycled cement powder, ashes)
(d) Integration of waste and CO2 for construction products (e.g. aggregate and blocks)
(e) Biomineralisation of waste and concrete
(f) Direct air carbonation
(g) Carbonatable binders
(h) Theory of carbonation
(i) Life cycle analyses and quantification of CO2 uptake
(j) Upscaling and application case studies
(k) Other advanced mineral carbonation materials and technologies
Presentation & Publication
All abstracts will undergo a review process by the paper review panel. Type of presentation, i.e. ordinary oral or flash oral presentation, of the accepted abstracts will be decided by the panel. The accepted abstracts from the registered participants will be published in the conference e-proceedings.
All published abstracts are received with the understanding that they comprise of original materials and do not infringe on any copyright, trademark, patent, statutory or proprietary rights of others. Publication of the accepted abstracts must be approved by all authors and tacitly or explicitly by the responsible authorities where the work was carried out.